About us

The Oromia Occupational Competence Assurance Agency is commanded by a board and is requested by the regional president. The formation of the board is also led by the Deputy President. It has been organized with regional cabinet members, Industry, University and community sector collectors. At the agency level, it is composed of one Executive Director, one Deputy Director and Six Directorates. In order to meet the growing demand for assessments, it has clustered together 21 districts and 19 cities, and it has created 7 agency branches to serve 336 districts' residents. To improve service delivery, we have opened our branches in places suitable for the public and appointed managers, opening two major processes in all sectors in collaboration with the higher agency and providing the necessary professionals and equipment. The agency will oversee the evaluation process by creating the necessary legal documents, establishing rules, creating training manuals, training and qualifying supervisors, renewing original certificates, and qualifying and supervising OOCAA branches.

OOCAA's Mission

Technical and Vocational Training trainees and industrial workers as well as experienced professionals are assessed for their competence in the direction required by the labor market.

OOCAA's Vission

By 2022, it is to see a professional who is assessed, competent and confident, as well as, globally competitive and motivated to create his own job opportunities.

OOCAA's Core Values

Maintain professional ethics

Our Clients

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